Vascular Screenings
Types of Vascular Screening Exams
Carotid Screening
A carotid artery screening is a non-invasive test that creates a picture of the health of major arteries in the neck. You will be asked to lie still as a technologist applies ultrasound gel to your neck, and scans your neck with a wand-like instrument. The technologist will scan both sides of the neck and the ultrasound images will be shown on a computer screen.
AAA Screening
An abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) Screening is a painless, non-invasive test, which provides ultrasound images and measurements of the abdominal aorta. You will be asked to lie on your back as a technologist applies ultrasound gel to your abdomen.
Wear a comfortable, loose-fitted two-piece outfit. Nothing to eat or drink for four hours prior to your screening exam. You can take your medication as prescribed with a sip of water.
ABI Screening
An ankle-brachial index (ABI) screening is a quick, easy and non-invasive test. After removing your shoes and socks, blood pressure cuffs will be placed around your upper arms and ankles. A small hand-held Doppler will then be used to measure the systolic blood pressure in your arms and ankles.
Screening Criteria Based on the American College of Cardiology Guidelines
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screenings:
- Men and Women ages 60-64 with first degree relatives with an abdominal aortic aneurysm
- Men and Women 65 years and older, current or former smokers
Ankle Brachial Indices (ABI) Screenings:
- Men and Women ages 50-64 with diabetes or current smoker
- Men and women ages 65-70 with diabetes or current smoker
- Men and Women over 70
How to Schedule
To schedule and purchase your prepaid voucher for the screening, call the scheduling team at (402) 328-3294.
How to Schedule
To schedule and purchase your prepaid voucher for the screening, call the scheduling team at (402) 328-3294.
Vascular Care Blogs
Read more from our expert providers on vascular care topics for you on our CHI Health Better You Blog.