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Educational Seminars

CHI Health EAP offers a variety of relevant training topics designed to remove the barriers that prevent people, teams and organizations from achieving their best. These trainings are held at the worksite in a group setting and we ask that a minimum of ten (10) participants attend unless circumstances prevent this. Unless otherwise noted, trainings are one hour in length. Due to increased demand, please request trainings at least 30 days in advance. For out of state trainings, at least 60 days advance notice is needed.

Understanding all the benefits that the Employee Assistance Program offers is crucial information for employees to know. Research indicates that, at any given time, one in four of us could benefit from utilizing EAP services. This training offers a complete overview of EAP and encourages employees to take advantage of this program to help with personal, emotional, and work-related life stressors that we all encounter.(30 minutes).

Remind, recommend and refer. Three important components of EAP that managers and supervisors need to know. In conjunction with an overview of EAP services, this training focuses on how EAP can be used as a resource when addressing job performance concerns. Steps in making a mandatory EAP referral are discussed and participants will receive a copy of A Manager’s Guide to EAP (an informative booklet detailing this process.)

Traits of a Healthy Workplace

This training addresses the importance of trust, employee engagement, commitment and accountability in the work setting. Each participant will complete a “Team Assessment” which will be used to identify their work group’s “health report.” Information presented can be a useful starting point in identifying team strengths and areas of opportunity / growth.

Building Healthy Workplace Relationships

Have you ever stopped to consider how many hours you have spent with your co-workers? Making workplace relationships positive and strong benefits everyone involved. This training covers the benefits those relationships bring and strategies to help improve relationships that are struggling. Tips for handling different personality styles will also be discussed.

Effective Communication: It’s More Than Just Words

Communication is the process that allows us to exchange information and develop or enhance relationships. Professional communication skills are vital in today’s work environment. Participants are taught proven methods that lead to effective verbal, nonverbal, and listening communication skills.

Conflict: It’s Inevitable and Can Be Productive

It is estimated that unresolved work conflict costs employers $359 billion a year in lost productivity. If handled appropriately, conflict can enhance and strengthen a team’s performance. Different approaches to conflict are presented and participants will identify their dominant conflict management style. Conflict resolution strategies are identified and reviewed.

Excelling at Customer Service

Customer service isn’t a department! Participants of this training are challenged to identify what “exceptional customer service” looks like in their organization. Training addresses the importance of first impressions, professionalism and service reliability in meeting our customer’s needs. We will discuss the “small things” that can make a huge difference in improving our customer service skills.

Emotional Intelligence 101: Why IQ Isn’t Enough

Self-motivation, flexibility, stress tolerance, social skills and interpersonal awareness are all components of emotional intelligence (EQ). EQ can be taught and is the single biggest predictor of performance in the workplace and the strongest driver of leadership and personal excellence. This introductory training covers the basics of emotional intelligence and strategies to help strengthen EQ.

Mindfulness: Balance in the Workplace

Jon Kabat-Zinn defines mindfulness as “paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.” Or, more simply, “just being.” This interactive training covers how mindfulness can enhance productivity and helps in defining a sense of meaning to our work. Participants are given the opportunity to practice mindfulness and better understand the benefits “just being” can bring.

It’s More Than Just a Paycheck: Finding Job Satisfaction

Do you view the work that you do as 1) a job; 2) a career or 3) a passion? Being dissatisfied with work can have an influence on the overall outlook of life. No matter what our circumstances are, we can choose to take control and make changes to feel satisfied and motivated by what we do. This training provides participants an opportunity to strengthen self-awareness about this subject and strategies to increase job satisfaction no matter what the circumstances may be.

Navigating the Seas of Organizational Change

It has been said that one of the most predictable things in life is that there will be change. This has never been truer than in today’s work environment. This training will focus on identifying the range of change that impacts the workplace and common reactions employees may have. The similarities of the grief cycle and change cycle will be covered. Participants will learn techniques for developing resilience and staying strong during times of change.

Managing the Seas of Organizational Change

Managers have a crucial role in helping employees navigate the seas of organizational change. A review of the range of changes that impact the workplace is covered, as well as how to effectively manage employees through the stages of change. Change is a process and, if effectively managed, can lead to positive results.

Generational Differences in the Workplace

For the first time in history, we now have a work environment of four generations of employees. Each generation brings different values, goals and work styles. This training identifies the four generations, their work values and styles. Increasing awareness can help employees become more open-minded when working with people of different generations.

Managing Generational Differences in the Workplace

This training covers the previous information with the additional component of tips and strategies for managing people from different generations.

Harassment: Sex, Religion and Beyond

Every employee needs to understand one basic truth: a respectful workplace is more pleasant and more productive for everyone. This training combines a timely video with class discussion, to bring this message home. It is clearly demonstrated that bad behavior is not OK – whether it applies to sex, religion or anything beyond….and whether it actually crosses the line into illegal harassment or not. (This training can also be geared for managers / supervisors only. In addition to the above, promoting a workplace free from harassment and reviewing the appropriate responses to allegations of harassment are presented.)

Valuing Diversity at the Interpersonal Level

We all have different work methods, different communication styles and differentersonal values. All too often, simple biases and assumptions get in the way of open communication. Combining class discussion with a video, participants will learn the communication challenges faced in a diverse workplace and assumptions that may hinder understanding. Strategies to open the lines of communication and increase understanding is presented.

Substance Abuse in the Workplace: What Managers Need to Know

Substance abuse has a significant impact on the employee as well as the employer. On the job, the negative fallout of substance abuse can have serious consequences for both the employee and the employer. This training examines the scope and cost of substance abuse and discusses the role of managers in effectively handling this difficult and complex problem.

Understanding the Dynamics of Stress

Hans Seyle, a pioneering force in the field of stress research, is quoted as saying, “It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.” Participants will learn what stress is and the damage that chronic, unmanaged stress can have on our physical and mental health. This training covers strategies to help reduce our stress response which can ultimately lead to a happier, healthier life.

Work / Life Balance: Is it Possible?

Balancing the ever increasing demands of work and family life can seem impossible. This training will help participants identify their priorities and find ways to make the most of their time. Effective strategies in setting healthy limits and boundaries with others will be covered. Participants will have the opportunity to discover changes they can make that will help bring a greater sense of balance to their lives.

We All Get the Same 24 Hours: Tips for Better Time Management

Have you heard the saying, “Work smarter, not harder?” This training focuses on identifying barriers to effective time management and identifying strategies to find more time for the things that matter most. Participants will learn the “3 T’s” of organizing e-mails, making “to-do” lists that actually are of benefit and the how to individualize a time management plan that works for them.

Happy Holidays – Is it Over Yet?

Holiday stress seems to be a common occurrence for most of us. Would you like to take a more peaceful path through the holidays? This training helps participants gain awareness of the impact holiday stress can have on us, physically and emotionally. Participants will learn strategies to help them effectively cope with the stress and tips for handling the demands that family and friends may have for us.

Self-Care: Taking Time to Nourish Body, Mind and Spirit

For many of us, the endless “to do” list doesn’t include taking time to tend to our own physical, emotional and spiritual health. This training clarifies the difference between “selfishness” and “self-care.” Participants will be given an overview of the negative effects of chronic stress and learn important components of a self-care plan. This training also covers how self-defeating thoughts can be a roadblock to our plan and strategies to change these thinking errors.

Breaking the Cycle of Stress Eating

In addition to focusing on what we eat, this training looks at how we eat and the multiple ways stress impacts weight gain. Participants will learn the relationship between exercise, weight management and stress management. Simple, yet powerful, ideas for controlling emotional eating and strategies to let go of old, potentially harmful, beliefs about body image are presented.

Something to Sleep On…The Importance of Sleep

Sleep can often be a barometer of our overall health. Sleeping well is essential to our mood, energy, efficiency, and ability to handle stress. This training provides an overview of the stages of sleep and better understanding how repeated sleep problems can take its toll. Participants will learn signs and symptoms of sleep disorders and sleep problems. Training covers how keeping a sleep diary can be a useful tool in pinpointing habits that may be contributing to your difficulties. Strategies and simple tips will also be discussed that, if practiced, can translate into better sleep over the long term.

Coping Skills for Life

Randy Pausch, author of the bestselling book, “The Last Lecture.” Is quoted as saying, “It’s not about the cards you’re dealt, but how you play the hand.” This training covers healthy coping skills vs. unhealthy copings skills and what it takes to “play the hand well.” Participants will learn the definition and characteristics of a resilient person and effective strategies to cope with life stressors.

When it’s More than Just the Blues

Depression affects millions of people in the United States and often goes untreated, The National Mental Health Association reports that more than 80% of people who do get treatment say it helps. This training provides information on recognizing the symptoms, causes and warning signs of depression. Depression doesn’t have to overshadow the rest of your life. Participants will learn various treatment options and resources for assistance.

Meeting the Challenge of Single Parenting

Since the 1960’s, the rate of single parents in American has more than tripled. Parenting can be demanding and parenting solo brings its’ own unique challenges.

This training will discuss effective strategies and resources to help meet these demands. Participants will learn that often an “attitude adjustment” (the parent’s!) can be the first key to success. This training covers the importance of building a support network, making time for self-care and tips for when one should (and shouldn’t) introduce the new boyfriend / girlfriend to the children. Participants will also learn why a healthy sense of humor can be invaluable!

Time for a Marriage Tune-Up?

And they lived happily ever after…. and how were they able to do this? Research shows that what separate the winners from the losers in marriage are relationship skills. Friendship, effective communication, conflict management, romance, intimacy and forgiveness are all identified key components of successful marriages. This training will provide information and strategies to strengthen each of these skills. As Gary Chapman, author of The Five Love Languages states, “Love is a choice you make every day.”

Man Talk vs. Woman Talk: Understanding Gender Differences in Communication

Researchers have discovered that there are differences between male and female brains. This training covers gender differences in processing information, the purpose of conversations and seeing advice vs. understanding. This lighthearted training offers valuable insight into how understanding the basics of these differences can significantly improve our communication with one another.

The Art of Dealing with Aging Parents

Nearly 10 million adult children over the age of 50 provide care for their aging parents. Being a caretaker can be physically and emotionally exhausting. This training focuses on the importance of proactive plans with our parents regarding their long-term care needs. Participants will learn the 40-70 Rule to initiate those conversations and tips to making them productive. Training covers the various levels of care: Family Care, In-Home Care, Independent Living, Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing Homes. The importance of self-care for the caretaker is also covered.

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