Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation in Low-Income Communities - January 2023
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Presenters: Tomeki Cobbs and Amanda McNei, YouTurn Omaha
Participants will:
- Learn about YouTurn’s Women’s Violence Prevention Program
- Recognize signs of sexual exploitation and trafficking
- Explore the connection between sex trafficking, exploitation and gang culture
- Identify interventions and considerations for community partners and healthcare professionals
A Guide to Teen Dating Violence - February 2023
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Presenter: Porscha Howard, WCA
Participants will:
- Learn about teen dating violence
- Identify factors of healthy relationships
- Recognize the signs of online exploitation
- Review considerations for healthcare and community organization staff
Exploring Exploitation - March 2023
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Presenters: Amber Smith, Network Services Coordinator at Nebraska Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence and Jessyca Vandercoy, LCSW - Whole Collective LLC
Participants will:
- Reflect on how structural exploitation is built into systems and maintained by people within systems
- Explore how providers “doing it the way it’s always been done” gets in the way of adequately responding to the needs of young people which includes building trust and relationships
- Notice and contribute to dismantling power structures that exploit the young people we serve
BraveBe: Where Truth Speaks, Child Abuse and Neglect - April 27, 2023
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Presenter: Jessica Blake, Nurse Practitioner / APRN, FNP-C, SANE-P, SANE-A from BraveBe Child Advocacy Centers
Participants will:
- Discuss specialized medical needs and care for victims of child abuse, neglect and human trafficking
- Identify best practices in Emergency Departments and Primary Care offices
- Learn about BraveBe services
Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking in Native American Communities - May 25, 2023
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Presenters: Adrianna Buffalo Chief Hoffman (Human Trafficking Program Coordinator) and Andrea Womacque (Trauma Informed Care Specialist) for Ponca Tribe of Nebraska
Participants will:
- Define Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking
- Describe signs in Native American peoples/communities
- Provide safety tips
Human Trafficking and LGBTQIA+ Communities - June 29, 2023
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Presenters: Andrea Edwards and Natasha Stogdill, Heartland Family Service - Sanctuary House
Participants should be able to:
- Develop an understanding of what Human Trafficking looks like in LGBTQIA+ communities
- Understand and identify vulnerabilities in LGBTQIA+ communities
- Refer patients/clients to services available in the area
Human Trafficking in the Personal Service Industry - August 31, 2023
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Presenters: Porscha Howard, Senior Training Manager at Women's Center for Advancement in Omaha, Nebraska
Participants should be able to:
- Identify signs of human trafficking within the personal service industry
- Learn about an online training course designed for professionals in the personal service industry
- Locate available resources
Willow Rising: Advocacy for Victims and Survivors in Central Nebraska - October 26, 2023
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Presenters:Teshawna Sawyer (Executive Director) and Shelby Landell (Lead Advocate) of Willow Rising in Grand Island, Nebraska
Participants will learn about:
- Domestic violence and human trafficking in Central Nebraska
- Willow Rising's advocacy and services for victims and survivors
- Support for survivors in our communities
Voices of Hope: Understanding Advocacy - November 30, 2023
Presenter: Marla Sohl, Sexual Assault Services Coordinator, PLMHP at Voices of Hope in Lincoln, Nebraska
Participants will:
- Identify services provided by Voices of Hope
- Understand the role of the victim advocate in victim services
- Understand confidentiality in victim advocacy service provision