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Human Trafficking Awareness Webinar Series

In an effort to provide educational opportunities to our staff and our community, our 2023 Human Trafficking Awareness Webinar Series hoped to increase human trafficking and violence awareness through monthly webinars in accordance with notable observances throughout the year. Each month’s webinar offering highlights a community organization or service provider across Nebraska and Southwest Iowa. 

Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation in Low-Income Communities - January 2023

View recording.

Presenters: Tomeki Cobbs and Amanda McNei, YouTurn Omaha

Participants will: 

  • Learn about YouTurn’s Women’s Violence Prevention Program
  • Recognize signs of sexual exploitation and trafficking
  • Explore the connection between sex trafficking, exploitation and gang culture
  • Identify interventions and considerations for community partners and healthcare professionals

A Guide to Teen Dating Violence - February 2023

View recording.

Presenter: Porscha Howard, WCA

Participants will: 

  • Learn about teen dating violence
  • Identify factors of healthy relationships
  • Recognize the signs of online exploitation
  • Review considerations for healthcare and community organization staff

Exploring Exploitation - March 2023

View recording.

Presenters: Amber Smith, Network Services Coordinator at Nebraska Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence and Jessyca Vandercoy, LCSW - Whole Collective LLC

Participants will: 

  • Reflect on how structural exploitation is built into systems and maintained by people within systems
  • Explore how providers “doing it the way it’s always been done” gets in the way of adequately responding to the needs of young people which includes building trust and relationships
  • Notice and contribute to dismantling power structures that exploit the young people we serve

BraveBe: Where Truth Speaks, Child Abuse and Neglect - April 27, 2023

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Presenter: Jessica Blake, Nurse Practitioner / APRN, FNP-C, SANE-P, SANE-A from BraveBe Child Advocacy Centers

Participants will: 

  • Discuss specialized medical needs and care for victims of child abuse, neglect and human trafficking
  • Identify best practices in Emergency Departments and Primary Care offices
  • Learn about BraveBe services

Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking in Native American Communities - May 25, 2023

View recording.

Presenters: Adrianna Buffalo Chief Hoffman (Human Trafficking Program Coordinator) and Andrea Womacque (Trauma Informed Care Specialist) for Ponca Tribe of Nebraska

Participants will: 

  • Define Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking
  • Describe signs in Native American peoples/communities
  • Provide safety tips

Human Trafficking and LGBTQIA+ Communities - June 29, 2023

View recording.

Presenters: Andrea Edwards and Natasha Stogdill, Heartland Family Service - Sanctuary House

Participants should be able to:

  • Develop an understanding of what Human Trafficking looks like in LGBTQIA+ communities
  • Understand and identify vulnerabilities in LGBTQIA+ communities
  • Refer patients/clients to services available in the area

Human Trafficking in the Personal Service Industry - August 31, 2023

View recording.

Presenters: Porscha Howard, Senior Training Manager at Women's Center for Advancement in Omaha, Nebraska

Participants should be able to:

  • Identify signs of human trafficking within the personal service industry
  • Learn about an online training course designed for professionals in the personal service industry
  • Locate available resources

Willow Rising: Advocacy for Victims and Survivors in Central Nebraska - October 26, 2023

View recording.

Presenters:Teshawna Sawyer (Executive Director) and Shelby Landell (Lead Advocate) of Willow Rising in Grand Island, Nebraska

Participants will learn about:

  • Domestic violence and human trafficking in Central Nebraska
  • Willow Rising's advocacy and services for victims and survivors
  • Support for survivors in our communities

Voices of Hope: Understanding Advocacy - November 30, 2023

Presenter: Marla Sohl, Sexual Assault Services Coordinator, PLMHP at Voices of Hope in Lincoln, Nebraska

Participants will:

  • Identify services provided by Voices of Hope
  • Understand the role of the victim advocate in victim services
  • Understand confidentiality in victim advocacy service provision






Liz Andujar, Anti-Human Trafficking Coordinator

(402) 717-2319 (O)

[email protected]

National Resources

Nebraska and Iowa Resources