CHI Health Clinic West Broadway
CHI Health Clinic West Broadway in Council Bluffs offers convenience in Primary Care, Pediatrics, Physical Therapy and Pharmacy, Lab Services and Priority Care. You can also find specialty care at this location including Endocrinology, Neurology and Rheumatology. Patients can see their physician, get lab work, receive physical therapy and pick up their prescriptions, all during one visit.
On-site services include:
- Family Medicine/Pediatrics Providers
- Rheumatology Providers
- Certified Diabetes Educators
- On-site Pharmacy - see hours
- Integrated Behavioral Health
- Integrated Behavioral Health Specialists do not accept direct appointments as they are part of the interdisciplinary treatment team and are available for onsite interventions.
Same-Day Appointments
When you need care and tomorrow isn’t soon enough make a same-day appointment. Our experienced primary care physicians and staff are committed to providing care to patients of all ages — babies to seniors — even on short notice. Call the clinic to schedule.
Walk-in for Priority Care
Visits for your urgent medical needs are available with our Priority Care providers. No appointment necessary for priority care; just walk in between 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Primary Care Scheduling
Call your Primary Care location to schedule your appointment.
You are also able to schedule a Primary Care appointment via our chat function, using the button below.
Agents available 7 days a week from 8 a.m to 5 p.m. Chat to schedule is only available for primary care providers.